Profit Foundations
A 5 Week Group Coaching Program for
Self-Employed People to organize + grow personal and business income
Profit Foundations helps you to be your best boss and organize your finances, pay yourself consistently, and grow your income.
I love helping self-employed people feel confident around their money.
I’ve been an entrepreneur for 20 years with a background in the wellness industry. I used to get super stressed out around finances and how to manage my money as a self-employed person. I spent years teaching myself how to make better sense of my inconsistent income, and how to not be shocked each and every tax year.
In 2021 I became an Accredited Financial Counselor working with self-employed people, merging the worlds of wellness, business and finance to help biz owners reach their goals of financial independence.
You love being your own boss but...
- you're not a numbers person, and get really stressed out about money and finances
- you don't have a system in place to pay yourself consistently
- you get really stressed out about taxes
- you want to start planning for retirement and a work optional future
- you truly crave clarity and organization around your finances so that you can reach your biz and personal goals
How Does It Work?
Through a combination of live teaching calls, Q+A sessions, and co-working hours, you'll have the support and structure you need to learn your money systems AND put them into place.
- Call Dates:
- Wednesday: October 9th @ 2pm ET
- Wednesday: October 16th @ 2pm ET
- Wednesday: October 23th @ 2pm ET
- Wednesday: October 30th @ 2pm ET
- Wednesday November 6th @ 2pm ET
- Bonus Calls:
Weekly Q+A Calls: Mondays at 5pm ET
Weekly Co-Working: Thursdays at 2pm ET
- Personal Budgeting System
- Paying Yourself Spreadsheet Template
- 12 Month Business Revenue Forecast
- 5 weeks of access and support with Jen Mayer, AFC®
- Connect with an incredible group of business owners to support, learn and grow with
All meetings are held virtually over Zoom.
Access to session records, notes, and templates
Group Slack for the duration of the 5 week course.
Schedule for Profit Foundations
- Week 1 (Examine): Intro Session | Financial Assessment + Overview | Goal Setting
- Week 2 (Embody): Pricing | Offerings | Revenue Projections
- Week 3 (Energize) Systems | Record Keeping | Accounts
- Week 4 (Expand): Monthly Habits + Repeatable Systems | Next Steps
- Week 5: Planning for Retirement
Cost: $375
"After starting my own business feeling really isolated and unsure, Profit Foundations was exactly what I needed. The content from the course was really helpful and saved me lots of research time, but even more meaningful was the adaptability of the group setting. I was able bounce my logistical questions off of not only Jen, but the other thoughtful business owners in the group.
The course provided a framework for all of us, no matter where we were in our business journey. I am still turning back to the resources and information as I spend more and more time building out my business, but my favorite takeaway was feeling supported by someone who has been where I am. Approachable, helpful, and a worthwhile investment even when just starting out!"
Virginia Strong, Doula
What you'll achieve after completing Profit Foundations
- Clear Vision: You'll have clear insight into your business and personal finances, complete with overview spreadsheets
- Managing Systems: You'll learn different management systems to help you stay organized month over month
- Revenue Distribution: You'll decide how much to pay yourself, how much to put away, and how much to put back into the business
- Basic Tax Education: You'll learn how to plan ahead and save for annual and quarterly taxes
- Retirement Savings: We'll cover the basics of opening a tax advantaged retirement account ---> available to self-employed people
- Forecasting: You'll learn how to manage project or client load based on your capacity and revenue goals
- Variable Income: You'll learn how to implement a system to enable you to pay yourself a consistent salary, even when your revenue is variable.
Frequently Asked Questions
- What is an Accredited Financial Counselor?
- What is your training and background?
- I’m a business owner but also need help with personal finance. Is this the right program for me?
- Do you prepare taxes or offer bookkeeping services for business owners?
- Do you sell any financial products?
- Do you offer sliding scale or discounted rates?