Jen Mayer, AFC®
Jen Mayer is a Brooklyn based mom of two, an Accredited Financial Counselor, a former doula, and has been self-employed her entire career. Jen’s passion is working with people to implement financial strategies so they can live with financial confidence, less stress, and meet their lifelong goals.
Jen started Fully Funded as a place to coach and educate self employed folks on how to structure and fund a parental leave. Since we live in the US, and have no federally mandated paid parental leave, it turns out so much of parental leave planning is actually financial planning.
She then decided to become an Accredited Financial Counselor through the Association of Financial Counseling and Planning (AFCPE®) to support parents in this journey. Once Jen started working with people in general around finances, she really loved it for so many reasons, but one is that she was able to use her doula skillset once again, but this time around finances.
As a doula Jen provided lots of education, non-judgmental support, and advocacy skills helping clients navigate the bureaucracy of the medical system. As a financial counselor she helps folks navigate personal and institutional financial bureaucracy. Jen guides people to create structures that work for them, and helps people create financial freedom and reach life long goals.
Jen has come full circle with her own personal financial journey - having been self employed her whole career… she’s learned a lot about money, taxes, saving for retirement, cash flow, building business - all things that she’s learned to love.
It’s an honor to support folks on their own financial freedom and business building journeys.